An Inspiring Week
This week has been a really inspirational week for me and helped kickstart me into focusing on my business “Inspire”.
When Covid hit us back in March my business like many others dropped off a cliff. I began in lockdown by giving away lots of pro-bono Coaching to others that really needed it who just couldn’t afford to pay right now. I also found myself doing a lot more Mentoring and Business Consultancy than I normally would. People needed my advice from my years of experience in Business and Operational Management. I have also spent time upskilling and enjoyed shared my new learning with others. As many of you know, we were also right in the middle of a massive life change for our family as Martin and I have been planning for many years to move to Portugal and had just got our residency sorted in February but then got stuck in the UK, for longer than expected, for obvious reasons. Sitting my business aside to concentrate on packing and relocation seemed a sensible way to fill my time over the last few months.
I’m delighted to say that we are now here in our little piece of paradise, aka the money pit. Yesterday, the guy fixing our roof terrace made the very apt comment that our house is like having a kinder egg each day - a new surprise, you never know what’s going to come out! 😂😂😂
Follow our progress at
So far, everyday has seemed to be waiting around for tradesmen to turn up, usually amanhã (tomorrow) and me procrastinating about jobs that I could really be getting on with. I got to the point last week that even I got sick of hearing myself complain about people not doing what they said they would, whilst all the time I wasn’t really achieving much myself.
Something had to change! And it has. This week I’ve been so inspired by others and in turn have started to “Inspire” others again.
Coaching York this week run a series of on-line events and I was honoured to be asked to run some of their sessions and showcase some of the things I do. On Tuesday, I ran a very successful session sharing Inspire’s “Rainbow Model”. On Thursday, I ran a session on how to use Zoom more effectively. I’ve had some fabulous feedback from both sessions, so thank you if you attended and thanks to Coaching York for allowing me to do this. If you missed out and would like to see the sessions, both have been videoed and will be available soon from Coaching York, free for members and £20+VAT for non members. As membership is only £30 you may want to join this fabulous supportive group anyway and then you can get all of the videos from the whole week for free.
On Wednesday I attended KD Recruitment’s Round Table with the very passionate and engaging Michaela Wain. If you don’t know who Michaela is then I suggest you google her and visit her LI profile, she has been on The Apprentice and runs her own Marketing Company in Construction.
On Wednesday I also received a fabulous Linked In testimonial from someone I’d Coached and Mentored through lockdown and it was truly satisfying to hear that she had been offered a promotion and that our Coaching sessions had helped open her eyes to opportunities that otherwise she would have missed.
It’s such a buzz when my Coachees get the success they deserve. ❤️
Today, I have had my first Coaching session with Isaac, my new coach from York Coaching Circle. Obviously I’m passionate about Coaching and that extends to making sure I benefit from Coaching too and WOW did I benefit today. It was the final piece in my jigsaw and has really fired me up to get Inspire back on track. Here’s two of the things I’m starting with first.
If you haven’t already visited Inspire’s website then take a look today and please feel free to give me some feedback I will be making big changes to the website over the next few weeks and making it much more interactive and giving away lots of freebies on-line so any input from you is most welcome.
Next week I’ll be restarting Inspire co-working days. These are on-line virtual office days that anyone is welcome to join, employed, self employed, student, Micro Business, SME - if you think it could benefit you, then give it a try. It really helps you to achieve the tasks you are putting off, get on with admin that needs doing and also holds you accountable to others to make sure you get things done. You also realise that you’re not along, you’re in the office with others, having some banter, having a coffee together but also getting things done.
If you need to have a business meeting with someone on-line, then just invite them too, for the agreed appointment time and we put you into a private break out room. The office will be open every Wednesday from 9.30m - 4pm and is free to join, email me at to book in and you’ll be sent the secure Zoom link by return. It’s very inspiring! 🌈